100 Year Picnic Now Available Through BestBuy.com
The Bored Again Christian

A couple live outings this month:

November 17:  I'm sitting in (on drums) with a jazz quartet (my first time), playing some standards at a local pizza joint.  My friend Brian Choban, who plays a beautiful trumput solo on 'I Started Thinkin' and some trumpet bits in 'I'm In Denial', invited me to play, and I can't wait...Chicago Dough Company, Bloomington, 7:30 - 9:00. 

November 18:  I'm doing a short solo set at TCBuzz Coffee in Bloomington, near Best Buy...  I'll probably go on sometime a little after 9:00 P.M.  David Berchtold, who plays fingerstyle guitar on 'About Everything But You', will be playing the rest of the night.  Dave's awesome if you haven't seen him. 


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